Etrom: The Astral Essence | PC | 1.2 GB
Etrom - above all the whole world - admittedly very mrachnyy.Eto world entwined with the highest technology of the future and the mystical secrets of the ancient tsivilizatsiy.Eto society where different social groups are divided not only by laws and traditions but also the strong walls and a well- armed army.
Etrom - above all the whole world - admittedly very mrachnyy.Eto world entwined with the highest technology of the future and the mystical secrets of the ancient tsivilizatsiy.Eto society where different social groups are divided not only by laws and traditions but also the strong walls and a well- armed army.
Something where the ruling regime is democratic and other policies with it openly totalitarian. In other words, it antiutopiya.I quite beautiful dystopia.
Etrom is a long journey in the policy, and between them through the space-time portals by Tronov Chaos at the gates of the Lord of Light and on, on, on ... And along the way and you have to deal with conversations intelligence and puzzle over the mysterious dark spells.
Etrom is a road on which with you are all kinds of secret society, demons, gods and have a lot of people over the head and occasionally fly a dragon that tanks .....
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